Pink Lilly Flower Watercolor Hand Paint



Industrial Complex

🌸Curated by Emma Stranger

Our lives and loves get messy. I grew up hearing all about the magic number of bodies a girl could rack up.

Like most American girls, I lived in fear of being branded a slut.

Baffling in my case because I was a nerd who thought holding hands would make me fall in love forever.

White Oriental Lilies Illustrations

To help keep these posts reasonably short, I released a few websites already. Attention spans on the internet ain’t shit which is understandable. My story so far:

An introduction thanking the people who helped me escape to a hope of living a free life in the nation I was born into. Girls like me have so little freedom in this nation that it takes a village to get someone like me out of rural America alive.

Painterly Textured Lunar New Year Cherry Blossoms

How the “random tragedies” that end the lives of celebrities strike families cursed with marketable children. You don’t have to be a celebrity’s kid to end up on a list of “toddler beauty pageant contestants.” It’s worse for your family, in my opinion as an art fan, if you have no connections who can protect you.

Pink Dahlia Flower

Madonna Whore Complex?

Sigmund Freud described a split in ​how some of his therapy clients ​viewed children, girls, and women.

A fairly simple either/or question. In the minds of some of the people Freud described as ​“pathological” or “neurotic”, girls and women were either:

A.) 😇 Pure, innocent, virginal figures. The “Madonna” or “mother” figure. A morally ​righteous but inherently unsexy creature. Think of how some people view all mothers as ​necessarily paragons of virtue or else they are Bad Moms™️. I’m not a mom but whenever I ​hear the expectations for moms these days I die a little inside TBH.

A.) 💄 Whores. Sexy sluts that exist to be hot and seductive. Desirable but not lovable. This ​could be described as an old-school version of “You cannot turn a ho into a housewife, I ​am Sigmund Freud’s therapy patient and I somehow know the word ‘ho’ which is puzzling ​to this dead Austrian dude.”

Distort Paper Background

Sigmund Freud’s ideas ​evolved over time. He was ​willing to admit he’d made ​mistakes.

In my opinion his ideas were influenced by the fact that ​he did a massive amount of cocaine through most of his ​career. Freud’s cocaine use doesn’t negate the value of ​his ideas -- it’s important to note the influence of his life ​on his work. Still a very smart guy, but not always right. ​Like me! Sometimes - I’m wrong about stuff. There’s a ​podcast I love with that name.

I’m noting this because it’s important to remember that historical figures are human ​beings. It’s also needed to comment that America’s cycle of exploitation is extremely ​obvious and ignores the role of history in present-day life.

It’s ludicrous and cruel that our nation overprescribes drugs then declares them illegal. ​One of the most heinous steps in the pipeline into being raped and tortured by doctors -​- Jack the Ripper was not the only doctor to do this -- is the fact that kids like I was are ​prescribed massive amounts of drugs after we are hurt by doctors.

Please note that my writing, art, and songs about injustice contain upsetting content. ​Kindly don’t be concerned about me. I’m all right now and speaking out to help. If we don’t ​learn from how far our nation allowed itself to fall, future generations will cry the way we’ve ​cried. We can stop that now if we work together.

Like many kids do, I got painful ear infections as a kid.

dark green ripped paper

Since I was very young I don’t remember the names of the doctors. My medical history and my mom agree that I was not born deaf. I was on the list of little kids who matched a marketable stereotype born to a middle-class family in Saint Louis, MO. Some doctor gave me placebo ear medication when I was too young to explain what was happening to my parents.

dark textured scrap of magazine paper

It should not be legal to randomly select citizens for drug trials. That happened in the horrific Tuskegee Experiments. One of the horrifying things about what happened to me personally is that if a doctor selects a child for a plabeco, his/her/their parents can have no idea what’s going on.

I wouldn’t lie about experiencing sexual violence. Especially not after how people treated me the first time I asked for help as a child.

Please don‘t blame my family. They did their absolute best to protect me. No family can rescue a child if more powerful people target “vulnerable“ folks then blame victims. I‘ve never even attempted to go to the police, I‘ve just sometimes asked to be moved away from someone who hurt me.

Here’s me at a school dance.

Cropped out my friend Pickles. (AKA Jillian) She’s amazing and protected me. I really only have pictures with my friends because I was terrified of having my picture taken.

I was younger than this the first time a total stranger pulled up his truck beside the sidewalk. It was absurd to me, at 14, that an adult in a pickup truck would drive around at 3:30 or 4:00pm near a school.

Every child deserves to grow up in peace, safety, and comfort. No one should have to undergo the horrors of mutilation inside a doctor’s office the way I did.

This happens more often than you’d think.

Historical Serial Killer

Jack the Ripper

Who knows who else is guilty?

I don’t know how many complicit doctors there were. I ​was under varying levels of anesthesia. Sometimes ​high-paying rapists used their influence to rape me ​while fully conscious. Since I was a child, those ​rapists used their wealth to pay off doctors who would ​convince a seven-year-old that blood on a girl’s ​thighs is a normal part of ear tube surgery.

Doctors abuse patients with impugnity. I suspect that the sadists who knowingly forced me to ​undergo the pain of slowly going deaf as a child figured that one way or another, I’d never tell the ​tale. I get this chilly sense that the villains in my life had opposing objectives. Some sadists wanted ​to torture me to death. Women posed as girls to have access to children like me. I suspect that ​some evil fathers lied to their wives to have sons who’d seduce kids like me into lifetime employment ​contracts. Or, more sinister still: child-brides. Are there men so evil that they think it’s okay for them ​to rape a child if they marry her as a woman? I think I have met the son of one such man, but I am ​dating someone I met recently so - I think he and his mother rebelled against a man I’ll call:

🧛🏻‍♂️ The Vampire StepDad.

This is a theme in literature around the world. I suspect that there are still men and women that evil ​alive today. Whoever did what, the wicked members of older generations forced us all into a terrible ​position to protect as many innocents as possible from a cycle of evil. Basically - sometimes people ​had to lie to protect kids. Average the visual message of this video by BoA and what’s suggested in ​this dance video by EXO. That’s what had to happen to protect kids - you sometimes lie to kids to ​protect them from the real evildoers. Bad translation of the implied message of this video by Cardi B ​and Shakira: “If you like that girl, you gotta break up with her. It‘s okay to have some heartbreaks as a ​girl or a young woman. The world is shitty and sometimes you gotta dump that nice girl.”

There are still people evil enough to force a family to choose between the life of a daughter and ​the life of a father. In my opinion, my Papa either took opiates or -- more likely -- faked the ​horrors of addiction after a car accident meant for me struck his parked truck. This happens all ​the time to children placed on the list of sellable kids.

Here’s a song about heartbreak that touches on the cycle of addiction. I think it warns quite ​vividly that cruel societies exploit “accidents waiting to happen.” Perhaps something as benign ​as a “piece of glass left there on the beach.”


Who’s Gonna Ride ​Your Wild Horses?

A song about regret and not really having choices in life.

*According to one of my cool high school teachers:

“So - I mean, yes there was some kind of relationship rupture but it’s a little more complicated than that. The Edge was both angry and grieving and... Look, kid: just know that record executives sometimes do terrible stuff to artists. Bono didn’t want to sing it the way it was filmed on the video. Listen to it as a song about heartbreak and the cycle of addiction. Beware of contracts.”

Today’s song:

Sand overlay
Play button 3d element
Play Button Icon
Smooth elegant white silk fabric or satin luxury cloth textu
I do not believe that this many tragedies are just unpreventable accidents that must inevitably continue

Frankly I am sick and tired of hearing about violence with obvious systemic causes being talked about like typhoons and hurricanes. Our social problems are tough to solve. “Difficult” ain’t “impossible.”

America peddles addictions then blames people for any health problems arising from actions doctors take against vulnerable patients.

Our nation cycles through waves of experimenting on people, marketing drugs, generating public scares, then declaring a brand new “WAR ON DRUGS.” I was too young for the ridiculous bullshit involved in the Crack Cocaine Scare Era but stand in solidarity with how horrendous it was.

This stuffed OxyContin pill is a nicer one than the one I saw in a Colorado Pill Mill. There were indeed stuffed toys for little kids to hug in those offices.

Dahlia Flower on Light Pink Background

Everyone has a calling in life.

My grandma passed away quite some time ago, so I think it’s safe to say that above all things she loved babies. Now - she like me was a mutant. Whether or not I was “biologically” her grand-daughter, I may never know.

The United States of America never fully ended its cycle of violence and exploitation. In my heart, I know that my grandma did every thing she could to help stop waves of hatred from killing off innocent people. I am her last living descent, as far as I know. Technically - I may not be her “descendent” in a biological sense. I don’t know. I will never give a single solitary damn.

Rest in Peace, grandma

“Grandma Dindie just loved to hold babies. She didn’t give a damn. She never gave a damn. She just thought every single baby she ever laid eyes on was beautiful.”

Throughout history approximately 25% of people never bore children of their bodies. I suspect that loving families simply recognize the signs of a disorder called endometriosis quite easily. Approximately every four generations, the threat of a catastrophic war arises.

Girls who cannot bear children sail with captains to negotiate peace treaties. They scout locations for swift ends to wars if a war must indeed happen.

Here: I promised you a song. Somehow it breaks my heart today.

It’s strange. You can dream of something then find it agonizing when at last you release a song. You know - spent so many years thinking I couldn’t sing. I think the teachers who gently shuffled me out of music classes were doing their absolute best to save me from the fate my own nation assigned to me at birth:

The lying whore.

The green-eyed monster.

Lilith, Adam’s first wife in the Old Testament. Depending on how you read that book she’s either a demon or a wife who occasionally said “no” to her husband. Women like me can apparently only ever really have one role in America.





I will sing this song today or tonight.

Posting to the internet when I feel like it.

Not sharing this song to an empty YouTube page.

Your turn.

You want to hear the rest of the song?

Tap in, sugar.

Watercolor Peach Beige Background for Paper Design. Soft Pastel Wallpaper. Illustration as Template for Layout Composition
Money in the Piggy Bank

More coming soon - music video upcoming and also I will post a business email address.


Podcast (with video starring my ​boyfriend and me) about monsters, ​myths, current events, peace, healing ​the earth, with live music

money plz

want to get a safe place 2 live

not really safe for me to be wandering around ​the city while still kidnappable for profit :(

me and my wonderful boyfriend + friends will ​record more podcasts and songs and stuff

I’m happy to network with nice artists about ​album release schedules! Give others a chance ​to shine, be a “50k for a verse no album out” ​(thanks Nicki) rich lady and then, ideally, release ​my full debut album late in the summer ​sometime! Happy to just do a 🌕TRIPLE SINGLE ​for now! MWAHAHAH!



Mockingbird Unbroken

Desperado (Dance Mix Soon!)

At this point I think it’s fair to ask for money.


Alexandra Turing (tech)

Alexandra MacNair (mental health)

Lilly Voltaire (video art)

Maeve Monroe (video essays)

Leonora Tolkien (fantasy/sci fi)